Monday, October 8, 2007


In Gita, especially in the second teaching, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to shake off the weakness and just slay as many people as he can in battle, because that is his duty as a warrior. He says how because the bodies are much like shells, and only the soul counts, then he should have no problem slaying them. Lord Krishna refers to this as Atma. Atma is not destroyed when the body is, and atma is forever eternal, all pervading, and unchanging. He says that death is certain for those who are born, just as life is certain for those who are destined to die.
A lot of what Lord Krishna says to Arjuna strikes me as strange, because I, much like Arjuna, do not understand how a body can feel no pain, and the only thing that is important is the soul. . . Atma, the eternal soul, can neither slain or be slain. However, its "capsule" can be. I do not understand how a knife to the gut can justify life and heroism, especially among family and friends! Alright, so this atma is indestructible. But i would find myself mourning for the bodies non the less. It would be like slaying someone near and dear to me, and then telling myself as i stand over their destroyed body, oh its okay, they are going to a better place, their atma is moving on. Just a strange concept.

1 comment:

Devon said...

Totally agreeing with you here... it seems like they want you to completely dehumanatize yourself in order to obtain freedom... I mean, that's the only way you can constantly kill. Eventually, you develop a shell or numbness that prevents you from feeling apathy... creepy that someone could do it, but otherwise, I would believe that a human would decay from within.